Parents of children with Aspergers or ADHD, and ADD are often at a loss for how to control their child's behavior.
Does your child often:
- lose his temper
- argue with adults
- refuse to comply with rules and requests
- deliberately annoy people
- blame others for his mistakes and misbehavior
Is your child often:
- touchy and easily annoyed by others
- angry and resentful
- spiteful and vindictive
If those lists sound like your child, you may be dealing with ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
"Believe it or not, your child doesn't need counseling. You don’t need parenting classes. You don’t need -- nor would you want -- a 250-page manual on how to be a better parent. Who has time for that? And you don’t need to go through another year of pain and misery with rebellious,foul-mouthed kids with an "attitude."However, what you may need is someone who has worked with oppositional, defiant children and frustrated parents for nearly 20 years -- and does so for a living -- to show you a set of very effective parenting techniques that are guaranteed to work."
That would be Mark Hutten.
Mark offers a program second to none at price that is truly outrageous. I have scoured the internet looking for a similar online support program and could not find one for less than $300. You'll be shocked when you see what you get here for under $30!
Finally, some real value!
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