Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Aspergers and Sensory Perception Disorder

Original Artwork by Melissa Zacherl.
Copyright 2004 by Melissa Zacherl.

This poster found on this website: http://www.spdbayarea.org/SPD_symptoms.htm, was created by a parent of a child with Sensory Perception Disorder. I thought it was a wonderfully simple, yet eloquent description of a child with SPD. The image in this post is small, but do click on the link and check it out, as well as the site itself!

As noted in the Diagnosis Game, we have been round the mullberry bush with our son in our efforts to get answers and solutions to his issues. For the most part, we are truly unconcerned about a diagnosis because we know our child, we accept him as he is and for who is, but we are acutely aware that his sensory issues are adversely affecting his health. This is, of course, our only concern in any of this - ensuring that our child is healthy, happy and reaching his potential. Just the same goal as we have for our typically developing child.

Whether he is ever officially diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome (AS) or not, he has been diagnosed with SPD. It would seem that the specialists I have been in contact with are not aware of the connection between SPD and AS. When I was directed to a page describing the difference between picky eaters and resistant eaters, I was shocked to see an EXACT description of my son's food issues.


james said...

hI have been suffering from aspergers from 2 months and few resources helped me a lot in overcoming this disease.
One of the best resource was:
asperger be gone
I wanted to ask quick relief methods for aspergers??
keep up the good work,

Unknown said...

Hi James,

Thanks for the comment and the link. If there are quick relief methods, I am not aware of them. Aspergers affects everyone so differently. One of the most powerful things we have found is to focus on our son's strengths. There are some positives to Aspergers and when you expand on those, it makes the negatives seem smaller.

Skyler said...

I don’t think that there is a quick relief method for Aspergers. I don’t think that there is a cure for Aspergers also. You will just have to cope with it and learn to live with it. Aspergers affects each and every person differently.